Tuesday, January 2, 2018


Campaign Decisions

Time to talk about about what decision I am making before the game and why.

Why HotDQ?

Because one of my players bought the book and gave it to me.


No, I'm not allowing it for now. At least not at character creation. Given how new my players and I are, I'd like for us to get a feel for the game and the natural balance before changing things up too much. I am allowing all core content so the PHB, Sword Coast Adventurer's guide, Elemental Evil Player's Companion guide, and Volo's Guide to Monsters.

UPDATE: So a little change here to satisfy my players to help them "feel" like their classes and balance characters a bit. I have allows small parts of UA content like starter spells and Lost book of Spells as well as some Feature ideas.

Why Fantasy Grounds?

  1. I got the ultimate license. 
  2. The Druid would have to play remotely anyways. He hasn't been able to join but 1 session up to this point, and even then it was remotely. 
  3. The automation take a lot off my back, especially now that I learned a bit of the programming to make effects and the like. 
  4. I learned about it before Roll20 and it had licensed content.

Greenhest is tough for level 1 characters. Why not bump them?

Originally I only had 4 players and I might have then. Then we got 6. I added some powers and spells, they'll be fine. I can adjust on the fly. Not to mention near death is kinda fun. (At least I think they are ok with it)


Now that I have most of the characters created there are a few things i'm making allowances for listed below.

Kobold necromancer - Sage NE

He's evil, so i fixed that with a Geas spell tying into his background. Originally part of a kobold clan living beneath a town who were on good terms with the citizens. At least until this kobold "helped" by attempting to raised a man's dead wife. The situation was taken care of by a traveling knight. To make peace with the people, the clan shaman cast a 9th level geas, commanding the kobold to obey the knight. So he leaves and travels with the knight. He later infiltrates the Cult of the Dragon under her orders and is to meet her at Greenhest....

Also necromancy is boring until level 5 when he can raise the dead, so i opened up the option to get spells from other sources like the "lost book of spells" and "The (not really) Complete Tome of Spells. Give more spell options is all I have to do since he's a wizard. Almost comedic in his world domination complex. Combine that with a strength score of 6 and it should be interesting.

Also boosted from the release of Xanathars guide. Toll of the dead is stupid strong.

Human Purple Dragon Knight LG

This is the Knight in question from the Kobolds background, therefore her Lawful good alignment should keep him under control and alive.

Soooo she doesn't actually choose the archetype until level 3. To maker her feel more knightly and fit her kit, I added a daily power from 4e called Heroic Rescue at level 1 as suggested by Matthew Coville in his Video. Its a fun power that keeps people alive a bit better in what is a tough first level as well as meshing will with the PDK kit.

Wood Elf Monk - Hermit? NG

So I've got a soft spot for these melee/weapon classes and I dont want them to just "swing my sword" in combat so I game him a daily power where he regain temp HP after loosing half his HP and gains damage while it lasts. Some sustainability with a twist. Still working on specific but sound like he is going to be totally new to the concepts of civilization

Goliath War Cleric - Urban bounty hunter (bounty: Cyanwrath) LN

He's a giant, honor-bound, unflinching, family-man. Think of it as a Kratos with a greatsword. Given that his sword is 2 handed, he prefers spells that only have a verbal component.

No real changes here since he has spellcasting+heals+AC+weapon damage. Fortunately he really wants a cool greatsword, and there is a sentient one within the campaign I'm going to catch his eye with.

Ghostwise Hafling Moon Druid - Far Wanderer N

No changes here. Just give him the list of animal, maybe limit it so he has to find some. Silent Speech is HUGE for his combat wild shape. Produce fire cantrip should work great to keep him alive at level 1 before he gets to shapeshifting.

Tiefling Rogue - Far Wanderer exile CN

Stereotypical, but it doesnt matter since we haven't played! It works! Sneak attack makes it so I dont need to help her out any as well as the fact that she has her favorite cantrip "vicious mockery"

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